Determining Your Cost for Cataract Surgery

How much does cataract surgery cost? To start off, not all cataract surgery is the same. Cataract surgeons who are also LASIK specialists are able to customize the cataract surgery plan in order to achieve the best results. The newest and most advanced intraocular lens (IOL) technology allows for unprecedented visual functioning and quality. Surgeons who are experts in advanced technology IOLs are able to make a confident recommendation of which technology to use, and do not expect the patient to make a choice on their own without proper education.

At the time of your consultation, our surgeons will determine which type of cataract procedure is best for your specific eyes and visual needs. The price of these services varies depending on the procedure your surgeon recommends.

Affordability Options

At Kugler Vision, we believe that finances should never be a barrier to achieving your vision goals. We offer a variety of financing solutions, allowing you to conserve cash and making cataract surgery more affordable than ever on almost any budget.

Patient Financing to Fit Your Needs

Kugler Vision has transformed the payment experience by providing simple financing options. We are proud to have partnered with a trusted healthcare financing company with convenient plans to give you a simple and affordable way to fund your cataract surgery. 

Alphaeon Credit

With an Alphaeon Credit card, you’ll pay no interest when your balance is paid in full within 24 months. Simply click the button below to be redirected to the fast and easy application page.