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Posts Tagged: Kugler Vision

Lack of Sleep Can Hurt Your Vision

In today’s hectic world filled with 10 hour work days, constant contact with friends and co-workers and literally countless hours of entertainment available at our fingertips, it’s no wonder that the vast majority of people report getting less and less sleep each night, often four hours or less. It is no secret that over time,... Read more... Read more

SSP (Scleral Spacing Procedure), an experimental new surgical procedure to reduce the need for reading glasses, was recently featured in the Omaha World Herald

The article, which appeared in the July 2, 2012 edition, may be read in its entirety on the Omaha World Herald website. Dr. Kugler is currently a Principal Investigator for an experimental surgical procedure designed to reduce patients’ need for reading glasses. To learn more about this new procedure, please visit our SSP... Read more