Why LASIK Is A Good Option For Parents

Parents have a lot going on, and it seems like there’s never enough time to manage everything, between school, sports practice, dance lessons, dinner, bath time, and bedtime. At Kugler Vision in Omaha, Nebraska, we understand that it’s easy to lose track of things, like your glasses, when you’re worrying about everyone else. We understand the need to simplify your life and experience the benefits of LASIK.

Imagine having two less things on your mind –glasses and contacts. After LASIK, you won’t have to think about where you left your glasses or if you have enough contact solution at home. At your kids’ sports games, there won’t be any sand, dirt, or allergens getting trapped in your contact lenses and irritating your eyes.

Safety First

If you are a parent who depends on glasses and contacts, maybe you have thought about worst case scenarios like “What if I woke up with the house on fire, and I couldn’t find my glasses? How would I get to the kids and out of the house safely?” The instinct to protect and provide for the safety of children is one of the main reasons why we see so many parents having laser vision correction, like LASIK.

Safety isn’t the only issue for parents wearing glasses and contacts. Many parents are just fed up with smeared and scratched lenses from sticky little fingers grabbing at their glasses, or bent glasses frames from the baby pulling them off.

Parents of older children also worry about their glasses getting knocked off and broken from playing sports. With this constant worry and frustration, glasses interfere with the joys of parenting.

Do Something for Yourself

Taking care of children is a lot easier when you can see clearly without the need for glasses or contacts. Kugler Vision focuses on giving parents their best eyesight medically achievable.

Get the freedom from glasses and contact lenses that you deserve, so you can simplify your routine and take that time to focus on your kids. We encourage parents to invest in LASIK. It’s one of the best ways to simplify your life, and make parenting a little easier.

Mom and Dad Tips to Follow

dad playing with child

We know that busy parents don’t have weeks to sit around and recover from surgery. No worries! Laser vision correction takes about 10 minutes. You can return to normal activities, like working and driving, the very next day. You will have the best vision possible without any dependency on glasses or contacts.

Besides saving time, vision correction can save you tens of thousands of dollars over your lifetime. In just a few years, you will have saved more money by having the LASIK procedure, because it eliminates the never-ending expenses of glasses and contacts. See how much you can save with our LASIK savings calculator.

If you do decide to have laser vision correction at Kugler Vision, we suggest you:

  • Have a friend, family member, or babysitter come over to take care of your children on the day of your procedure.
  • Have another friend or family member drive you to Kugler Vision, stay with you during your procedure, then drive you home and make sure you rest afterward.
  • Let your kids know they need to be careful around you – no pokes in the eye or roughhousing.

If you have additional questions about laser vision correction or would like to set up a consultation, please contact us at 402.558.2211.

Published by

Lance Kugler, MD

Lance Kugler, MD, is a specialist in LASIK and vision correction surgery and CEO of Kugler Vision. A proud Omaha native, he is passionate about improving lives through clear vision. Dr. Kugler serves on several national boards, and his practice is recognized internationally as a center of excellence. Dr. Kugler is one of the original founders of the Refractive Surgery Alliance, an international organization comprised of over 350 of the world’s leading vision correction surgeons; he also served as its first president. In 2019, Dr. Kugler was selected as a TEDx speaker, and delivered a talk in Omaha about the worldwide epidemic of nearsightedness and refractive solutions. Dr. Kugler is an Associate Professor of Refractive Surgery at the University of Nebraska Medical Center’s Truhlsen Eye Institute, has been published in many medical journals, and participates in numerous clinical studies to advance the field of vision correction surgery. Additionally, Dr. Kugler is proud to be a Board Certified Fellow of the World College of Refractive Surgery & Visual Sciences. Dr. Kugler and his wife are proud parents to five active kids. When he has a spare moment, he enjoys skiing, tennis, travel, and fine coffee.

2 thoughts on “Why LASIK Is A Good Option For Parents”

  1. I loved it when you pointed out that Lasik eye surgery is a good idea for parents since they can care for their kids without having anything obstructing the way. I did notice my brother having to push his glasses everytime he would tend to my nephew’s needs. It looks pretty troublesome since it’s taking time. It might really be for the best to ask him to consider a Lasik eye surgery.

    1. Thanks for commenting Mina. Glad you liked the post! We see many parents who come to us for LASIK in order to make their daily routines and caring for their children easier. No more glasses getting smudged up by little fingers! No more having to worry about finding their glasses on the nightstand when waking in the middle of the night to tend to the baby.

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