LASIK is an excellent option for many people, but if you are not a candidate for LASIK, there are several other ways to correct your vision. At Kugler Vision, our goal is for our patients to live a life free from the barriers of glasses and contact lenses. Discover your options by taking our 60-second self-test below.

What Is PRK?

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Photorefractive Keratectomy (PRK), uses an excimer laser to reshape the cornea and correct vision. In this way, PRK is similar to LASIK. The key difference between PRK and LASIK is that no corneal flap is required with PRK. Instead, the epithelium (the tissue covering the front of the cornea) is gently removed and the laser is applied to the outer surface. Like LASIK, PRK is a refractive procedure that corrects nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism.

You can have PRK if you have dry eyes or are suffering from contact lens intolerance (CLI). But at Kugler Vision, our patients undergo a series of comprehensive tests to determine the best way to improve your dry eye symptoms before laser vision correction. After CLI is maximally treated, you can have PRK.

PRK was the first procedure to use the excimer laser, and was developed several years before LASIK. It has a long, established history proving it to be safe and effective. PRK is an excellent alternative to LASIK and is commonly performed, particularly on patients who are found to not be LASIK candidates for a variety of reasons, such as having thin corneas.

PRK Recovery

The PRK procedure is effective and safe, and has an extremely high patient satisfaction rate. PRK typically has a longer recovery time than LASIK, lasting approximately 48 to 72 hours after surgery on average. In contrast, the average LASIK recovery time is about 24 hours. This slightly longer PRK recovery period is due to the need for the epithelial cells to regenerate over the surface of the eye. Although the procedure is different from LASIK, the outcome is the same – improved vision for a life without barriers.