You Get What You Pay For: The Truth About Cheap LASIK

Published by Drew Dickson, MD on June 17, 2024

Is frugality a virtue? Not always. When it comes to LASIK, shopping for the lowest price can have significant drawbacks that could cost you more than just money.

Discount LASIK centers often slash their prices to attract customers, but that can mean cutbacks elsewhere, including in your quality of care. Here’s how budget LASIK centers keep their costs low and why you should be cautious.

1. Limited surgical options

Discount LASIK centers may offer just one or two surgical procedures to reduce equipment costs. However, this means you may not receive the best procedure for your unique vision needs. Settling for a procedure that isn’t ideal could leave you with less-than-perfect results.

2. Basic diagnostic equipment

Many low-cost centers only check to see if you are eligible for a one-size-fits-all procedure. They may not invest in advanced diagnostic equipment, which could lead to inadequate screening. This could result in missed eye conditions that might affect your vision correction or disqualify you from LASIK altogether.

3. Outdated surgical technology

To save on overhead, cheap LASIK centers may avoid upgrading surgical equipment as technology advances that might increase surgical discomfort or hinder visual outcomes. Advanced technology offers better safety and accuracy, crucial for an optimal experience.

4. Contract surgeons with limited availability

Some LASIK centers rely on contract surgeons who fly in only for surgery days and leave afterward. This means your surgeon might not be available for pre-surgery consultations or post-surgery follow-ups. Even worse, this could leave you without adequate guidance or care if you have questions or complications.

5. Less stringent training and education

Freelance surgeons are often responsible for their own continuing education and may not prioritize it due to added costs. Less training can lead to surgeons being less up-to-date with the latest best practices and techniques, potentially compromising your surgical outcome.

6. Inadequate pre- and post-operative care

Discount centers might cut back on staff or offer minimal post-operative care to save on costs. However, the risk of complications makes comprehensive care essential. Without proper follow-up, patients may need to rely on less experienced staff or seek external help.

7. Hidden costs and unclear pricing

The low price tag often excludes essential services like aftercare, prescription medication or enhancements. You may end up paying more when these costs are added, leading to unexpected expenses … and a less-than-impressive “discount” than you had hoped for.
Do your research before committing

Before deciding on LASIK in Omaha, investigate the services offered by the clinics you’re considering. Ask what is included in the fee and if you will receive personalized care throughout the process. If your surgical fee does not include the following, keep looking:

  • A thorough eye examination and imaging of the structures of the eye
  • Pre-surgical consultation with your LASIK surgeon
  • Customized treatment plan that is tailored to your lifestyle and goals
  • Regular follow-up care with your LASIK surgeon
  • All medications (including numbing drops and topical antibiotics) to be used before, during and after surgery

At Kugler Vision, we offer tailored treatment plans, the latest technology and best practices, and thorough assessments and follow-up care to ensure you get the best vision correction possible.

As modern vision correction specialists, we at Kugler Vision are committed to serving Omaha LASIK patients’ needs on the journey to a life free from visual barriers. Take the first step with a thorough eye analysis to determine if you qualify for Modern LASIK. Omaha-area patients who aren’t candidates for LASIK may be candidates for one of our 6 other advanced vision correction treatments. Book online at

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