raindrop near vision inlay

New Vision Implant Procedure Offered for First Time Ever in Nebraska and Iowa

Laser vision correction practice in Omaha Nebraska performed the first Raindrop® Near Vision Inlay procedures to benefit patients, improve near reading vision.

OMAHA– For generations, reading glasses after the mid 40s have been seen as inevitable; an inconvenient but necessary fact of life. Dysfunctional Lens Syndrome (DLS), a natural part of the eye’s aging process, starts between ages 40 and 45, causing gradually worsening blurry near vision.

The struggle has been all too real for Helen Meyers. After enjoying a lifetime of 20/20 vision, she found herself starting to rely on reading glasses five years ago. As a busy Executive VP at a local credit information office, she logs long hours at her computer and on her phone– tasks that she must currently use reading glasses for. She says, “I always have to have them on to use the phone– even to dial out!”  Helen is unable to wear readers full time, which leaves her putting on and taking off her readers many times a day. “To look across the room at my coworkers, I have to take them off. I pick up my granddaughter from daycare, and they have one of those keypads for entry–I need glasses for that. It’s a pain.”

Now, a revolutionary procedure called the Raindrop Near Vision Inlay is available to restore Helen’s near vision. She can get back to living a life without the frustrations of reading glasses.

On Wednesday, December 14 at 1:00 PM, Lance Kugler, MD of Kugler Vision in Omaha, NE was the first surgeon in Nebraska or Iowa to perform the Raindrop Corneal Inlay Procedure to correct near vision. Approved by the U.S. FDA in June of 2016, this innovative approach to freeing patients from reading glasses is the world’s first corneal inlay to work by changing the shape of the cornea, the clear front part of the eye.

“Nearly everyone’s near vision is affected in their 40s, and dependency on reading glasses really affects people’s quality of life. We are excited to bring this life-changing Raindrop technology to Nebraska and Iowa. Freedom from glasses and bifocals is a big deal for people who want to see better and feel younger,” says Dr. Kugler.

Raindrop is a completely clear inlay which is implanted in a patient’s non-dominant eye in an office procedure that takes only about 15 minutes. The inlay is incredibly small – about the size of a pinhead and less than half the thickness of a human hair. Raindrop is 80% water and is bioengineered to mimic the natural cornea by changing the central curvature of the eye.

This small inlay leads to a profound improvement in quality of life for patients like Helen, who did not need glasses until her early 40’s, and now finds herself relying on reading glasses. Helen was one of the first five patients in the region to benefit from the Raindrop Inlay technology. She can now read to her granddaughter, see the menu at restaurants, and work and text without constantly reaching for readers. “I’m so so excited. Everyone’s excited for me,” says Helen. “You have no idea how excited I am!”

Dr. Kugler is available to the media to speak further on Raindrop technology and the vision restoring benefits it provides.

More About Kugler Vision

Kugler Vision is a world-class refractive surgery center located in the middle of the country, making Omaha a destination for incredible vision correction outcomes. As a patient-centric practice, Kugler Vision specializes in procedures to reduce or eliminate reliance on glasses and contact lenses. Dr. Kugler serves as the Director of Refractive Surgery for the University of Nebraska Medical Center, is a founder and first President of the Refractive Surgery Alliance, and participates in numerous FDA clinical trials.

Could Raindrop Corneal Inlay Be Right For You?

If you have been noticing changes in your near vision, and want to be free from reading glasses, a corneal inlay like the Raindrop inlay could be for you. Take our quick and easy online corneal inlay candidacy test, and then contact us to schedule your consultation.

Published by

Lance Kugler, MD

Lance Kugler, MD, is a specialist in LASIK and vision correction surgery and CEO of Kugler Vision. A proud Omaha native, he is passionate about improving lives through clear vision. Dr. Kugler serves on several national boards, and his practice is recognized internationally as a center of excellence. Dr. Kugler is one of the original founders of the Refractive Surgery Alliance, an international organization comprised of over 350 of the world’s leading vision correction surgeons; he also served as its first president. In 2019, Dr. Kugler was selected as a TEDx speaker, and delivered a talk in Omaha about the worldwide epidemic of nearsightedness and refractive solutions. Dr. Kugler is an Associate Professor of Refractive Surgery at the University of Nebraska Medical Center’s Truhlsen Eye Institute, has been published in many medical journals, and participates in numerous clinical studies to advance the field of vision correction surgery. Additionally, Dr. Kugler is proud to be a Board Certified Fellow of the World College of Refractive Surgery & Visual Sciences. Dr. Kugler and his wife are proud parents to five active kids. When he has a spare moment, he enjoys skiing, tennis, travel, and fine coffee.

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