The Affordability of LASIK

Some people are under the impression that LASIK is an expensive luxury. However if you compare the cost of LASIK to the cost of the alternatives, specifically glasses or contact lenses, it is clear that LASIK is a very good value and actually saves money in the long run. Here is an average breakdown of eye care over the span of 10 years: Glasses

  • Eye Exam $150 (every 2 years)
  • Frames $450 (every two years)
  • 10 Year TOTAL: $3000

Soft Disposable Lenses and Back-Up Glasses

  • Initial exam with lenses $225
  • Contact Lenses (each year) $200
  • Eye Exam (each year) $150
  • Solutions (each year) $200
  • Frames (every 2 years) $450
  • 10 Year TOTAL: $7975

Rigid Gas Permeable Lenses and Back-Up Glasses

  • Initial exam with RGP lenses $300
  • Eye exam (each year) $150
  • RGP contact lenses $400
  • Solutions (each year) $200
  • Frames (every 2 years) $450
  • 10 Year TOTAL: $6450

LASIK may seem expensive in the short-term,but when you calculate how much you are paying for your current eye care over the long run, LASIK is clearly the better value. The cost of LASIK varies for each person and heavily depends on the surgeon and technology they use. As with most things in life, to a large degree you get what you pay for! If you compromise on price then you will be compromising on quality. When it comes to eye surgery, quality is not something on which you should compromise! One great thing about clinics like ours, Kugler Vision in Omaha, is that we offer a variety of financing options to make eye surgery affordable for anyone. If you think you are ready to take the next step into finding a better solution for your eyes, do not let finances be an obstacle. Contact our clinic today for a consultation.

Published by

Lance Kugler, MD

Lance Kugler, MD, is a specialist in LASIK and vision correction surgery and CEO of Kugler Vision. A proud Omaha native, he is passionate about improving lives through clear vision. Dr. Kugler serves on several national boards, and his practice is recognized internationally as a center of excellence. Dr. Kugler is one of the original founders of the Refractive Surgery Alliance, an international organization comprised of over 350 of the world’s leading vision correction surgeons; he also served as its first president. In 2019, Dr. Kugler was selected as a TEDx speaker, and delivered a talk in Omaha about the worldwide epidemic of nearsightedness and refractive solutions. Dr. Kugler is an Associate Professor of Refractive Surgery at the University of Nebraska Medical Center’s Truhlsen Eye Institute, has been published in many medical journals, and participates in numerous clinical studies to advance the field of vision correction surgery. Additionally, Dr. Kugler is proud to be a Board Certified Fellow of the World College of Refractive Surgery & Visual Sciences. Dr. Kugler and his wife are proud parents to five active kids. When he has a spare moment, he enjoys skiing, tennis, travel, and fine coffee.

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